Blockchain on the Move – Giving you control of your own digital identity

Blockchain on the Move is a Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) proof of concept between the City of Antwerp, VICTOR, and Information Flanders that aimed to develop tools and approaches to give citizens control over their own data, and to link this with Antwerp’s A-card to give better access to services.

Howest hosts the world’s first Decentralised Autonomous Hackathon

In April 2022 HOWEST and BLING organized a hackathon to tackle the over-use of water by developing blockchain-enabled solutions to improve water management. This first-of-its-kind ‘decentralised autonomous hackathon’ was organised via (autonomous) smart contracts on a (decentralised) blockchain.

IP-report regarding electronic voting based on blockchain

An answer to the questions 1) If the County Adminstrative Board decides to develop its own model for e-voting, which international IP-rules apply?, 2) Could the County Adminstrative Board potentially protect a model for e-voting that it develops or does this model automatically become public?

The Blockchain Technology’s Applicability

The Blockchain technology is still in the progress of reaching its plateau of productivity, and hasn’t been made understandable for the majority of the public, due to its relatively high demand of technical knowledge and flair.