Using blockchain to remotely monitor patient health

Oldenburg University’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) proof of concept explores how blockchain can be used to solve the privacy problems that are endemic to the sharing of remotely collected patient data. This is a privacy-first solution for collecting and sharing patient data so it can be reviewed by health workers.

Blockchain in Maritime Port Management – defining a Conceptual Framework

Aalborg’s study provides a framework for understanding the use of blockchain applications within maritime port environments, an under-studied part of blockchain implementation in the wider supply chain field. They looked at document workflow management, financial processes, and device connectivity.

Blockchain in Scotland – in Transport, and in Government

SEStran (South-East Scotland Transport Partnership) undertook a review of the blockchain environment in Scotland/the UK, with a particular focus on blockchain in transport and in the public sector (especially local government). Stakeholders identified issues affecting techological adoption/change.

Why Blockchain?

The adoption of blockchain-enabled services is a key part of a wider transition to the next generation of innovative government services. Learn how this once in a generational shift requires more than technological change – it requires policy, legal, and capacity development at all levels.

Introducing BRAT – the Blockchain Readiness Assessment Tool

BRAT generates a maturity score for the organization, which can be compared to that of other organizations as a benchmark. An organisation can also repeat BRAT, and compare results to their earlier scores to see how their capacity is developing over time.