The Role of the Port Authority in New Blockchain Scenarios – learning from Denmark
Aalborg University
This research by Aalborg University examines to what extent various blockchain-use scenarios for the shipping industry are actually relevant to maritime port operators, and whether these blockchain use scenarios are aligned with ports’ long-term development strategies.

Blockchain in Scotland – in Transport, and in Government
South East of Scotland Transport Partnership
SEStran (South-East Scotland Transport Partnership) undertook a review of the blockchain environment in Scotland/the UK, with a particular focus on blockchain in transport and in the public sector (especially local government). Stakeholders identified issues affecting techological adoption/change.

Blockchain in Maritime Port Management – defining a Conceptual Framework
Aalborg University
Aalborg’s study provides a framework for understanding the use of blockchain applications within maritime port environments, an under-studied part of blockchain implementation in the wider supply chain field. They looked at document workflow management, financial processes, and device connectivity.

Mobililti – Howest builds a ‘mobility as a service’ solution on the blockchain
Howest University of Applied Science
The Mobiliti app provides a mobility-as-a-servive (MASS) solution for geographical areas that are poorly served by public transport. By facilitating ride sharing through a blockchain-driven app, employees, students, and seasonal workers can offer and find rides, and be rewarded for using the service.

GeoBlockly – building location aware smart contracts on the blockchain
Edinburgh University
Edinburgh College of Art built GeoBlockly as an exploratory tool that would enable new users to learn how to write Smart Contracts and to get them to think about the possibilities for process management and automation that are opened up by the use of Smart Contracts and blockchains.

Energielening – Ghent’s Energy Loan pilot– using blockchain to make energy grants more accessible
City of Gent
The City of Ghent workec with Howest to deliver a proof of concept for a blockchain-enabled solution that makes applying for energy support easier, quicker, and more efficient by using digital wallets and self-soverign identity (SSI) approaches to make information sharing faster and more efficient.

Identifying the key challenges of blockchain implementation in the maritime sector – lessons from Denmark
Aalborg University
Aalborg University finds that the challenges of adopting blockchain in a complex existing system are not unique to port systems. They identified 18 challenges to blockchain implementation, which were categorized into four dimensions: human factor, operational, organizational, and technological.

BLING Blockchain use-case: GeoPact – connecting virtual blockchains with real places
Edinburgh University
GeoPact is a blockchain-backed location verification system which collects and confirms location data from smart objects. Dave Murray Rust and Ella Tallyn explain how this proof of concept helps stakeholders understand how they can use blockchain-enabled solutions – particularly in logistics.

EnergyKnip 2 – delivering more energy efficient appliances and home upgrades for households in Emmen
Municipality of Emmen
EnergyKnip 2.0 builds on the earlier EnergieKnip service with a new energy support offering that provides more energy efficient appliances to households living in energy poverty. Energy Coaches work with qualifying households to fund home energy-efficiency improvements.

EnergyKnip – delivering energy efficiency in Emmen with the Netherlands’ largest Blockchain service
Province of Drenthe
EnergieKnip is the Netherlands’ largest government blockchain-enabled service. It provided residents of Emmen with an e-voucher after anonymously completing a questionnaire about how they used energy at home. This €50 could then be spent on energy-saving products at local hardware stores.

Enabling new approaches to community governance with blockchain- Skåne
The County Administrative Board of Skåne
R:ekobyn (R = Röstånga, eko=eco, by=village) is a sustainable community in Röstånga in the County of Skåne in southern Sweden. Skåne is looking for new governance models to help deliver the R:ekobyn community’s vision, and is exploring the feasibility of a blockchain-enabled solution.

Using blockchain to remotely monitor patient health
Oldenburg University
Oldenburg University’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) proof of concept explores how blockchain can be used to solve the privacy problems that are endemic to the sharing of remotely collected patient data. This is a privacy-first solution for collecting and sharing patient data so it can be reviewed by health workers.