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Blockchain in Scotland – in Transport, and in Government

South East of Scotland Transport Partnership

SEStran (South-East Scotland Transport Partnership) undertook a review of the blockchain environment in Scotland/the UK, with a particular focus on blockchain in transport and in the public sector (especially local government). Stakeholders identified issues affecting techological adoption/change.

Energielening – Ghent’s Energy Loan pilot– using blockchain to make energy grants more accessible

City of Gent

The City of Ghent workec with Howest to deliver a proof of concept for a blockchain-enabled solution that makes applying for energy support easier, quicker, and more efficient by using digital wallets and self-soverign identity (SSI) approaches to make information sharing faster and more efficient.

EnergyKnip – delivering energy efficiency in Emmen with the Netherlands’ largest Blockchain service

Province of Drenthe

EnergieKnip is the Netherlands’ largest government blockchain-enabled service. It provided residents of Emmen with an e-voucher after anonymously completing a questionnaire about how they used energy at home. This €50 could then be spent on energy-saving products at local hardware stores.

Enabling new approaches to community governance with blockchain- Skåne

The County Administrative Board of Skåne

R:ekobyn (R = Röstånga, eko=eco, by=village) is a sustainable community in Röstånga in the County of Skåne in southern Sweden. Skåne is looking for new governance models to help deliver the R:ekobyn community’s vision, and is exploring the feasibility of a blockchain-enabled solution.

Using blockchain to remotely monitor patient health

Oldenburg University

Oldenburg University’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) proof of concept explores how blockchain can be used to solve the privacy problems that are endemic to the sharing of remotely collected patient data. This is a privacy-first solution for collecting and sharing patient data so it can be reviewed by health workers.

BLING Blockchain use-case: Generating health certificates in Oldenburg, Germany.

Oldenburg University

The University of Oldenburg and the City of Oldenburg work together to develop a blockchain-enabled solution which could be used for users and organisations to verify or validate a registration / health certificate, and ensure the integrity and source of these certificates.

Can Democracy become Digital? Using blockchain to support democracy in Sweden

The County Administrative Board of Skåne

The County Administrative Board of Skåne in southern Sweden believes that blockchain-solutions – referendums, e-petitions, elections, etc. could widen or enhance citizen participation. This is the story of their search for tools and solutions to make this happen.

Exploring the potential of blockchain-enabled e-voting in the Netherlands

Province of Drenthe

To better understand the issues that were holding back wider acceptance of e-voting, the Province of Drenthe commissioned BlockchainLab Drenthe to review the technological issues and challenges in the context of a potential e-voting pilot that used some form of blockchain solution.

The Fit4work Challenge  – helping Roeselare’s employees stay healthy

City of Roeselare

Roeselare’s Fit4Work is a program to help employees become more active. They trialled a personalised fitness service linking online coaching and IoT wearables via blockchain solution to support employee health, fitness, and activity take-up in a privacy compliant way.

BLING Blockchain use-case: The red button – an emergency brake for people in financial distress

Central Judical Collection Agency

The ‘Red Button’ (aka ‘Financial Emergency Brake’) project allows citizens to tell the Dutch Government and debt agencies that they are unable to pay their debts. The privacy-centric system links this declaration with certification from local services that they are providing debt support.

Digital transformation in local government – learning from blockchain projects

Gothenburg University

Local governments are undergoing significant digital transformation, including experimenting with new technological solutions. This summarises the findings of a case study of three BLING municipalities in Western Europe that are exploring the adoption of blockchain-enabled service solutions .

Blockchain on the Move – Giving you control of your own digital identity

City of Antwerp

Blockchain on the Move is a Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) proof of concept between the City of Antwerp, VICTOR, and Information Flanders that aimed to develop tools and approaches to give citizens control over their own data, and to link this with Antwerp’s A-card to give better access to services.