Developing and implementing blockchain technologies for governments

David Magard - Developing and implementing blockchain technologies

David Magård works on the digitisation of the public sector for the Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure. He talks about developing and implementing blockchain technologies for governments – particularly on the importance of governance and on the difficulties in successfully adopting this technology.

Understanding Innovation in Blockchain in Government

Juho Lindman and Livia Norström from the University of Gothenburg tell us about some of the work the Blockchain Lab has done to understand the challenges facing governments as they work on blockchain-enabled services, and some of the factors which are driving this change.

Delivering Germany’s Blockchain Strategy

Andreas Hartl from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy explains how blockchain fits into their work to establish a ‘data economy’, and describes German Government efforts to facilitate blockchain adoption and ensure regulations are ‘technologically netural’.

Introducing the European Blockchain Partnership

Daniël du Seuil introduces the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP), an EU initiative and explains their work to build the ‘European Blockchain Services Infrastructure’ that can used by organisations across the the EU, and the use of the European self-sovereign identity framework (ESSIF).

Diplomas and Credentials – Building a European Blockchain Use-Case

Hennie Bulstra from the European Blockchain Partnership explains how blockchain requires new ways of thinking about delivering services, and new forms of governance and collaboration. He introduces the ‘career wallet’ that brings together a user’s education credentials in one place.

How the Triple Helix supports Blockchain in Government

The Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC) is a triple helix organization, in which governments, knowledge institutions, and industry work together to boost the ecosystem for distributed ledger technologies. Peter Verkoulen introduces their ‘Compliance by Design’ approach to use case development.

Data security and blockchain solutions – lessons from Estonia

Henry Rõigas talks about how Estonia developed the world’s first government blockchain service, and lessons learned about how and when to choose blockchain-enabled solutions, and the need to ensure you have access to people with real world blockchain experience.